Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal

It can be really frustrating to have pesky hairs show up where you don’t want them to. Whether it’s on your face, bikini lines, legs, stomach, or other body parts, they can be incredibly difficult to remove. Shaving can only do so much to keep these hairs at bay, and you will need to do it more frequently over time. In addition, shaving often causes ingrown hairs, which may lead to a variety of painful skin problems, scars, and hyperpigmentation. Waxing, threading, and tweezing are more painful than shaving and also don’t produce permanent results.

Fortunately, there is a solution available that can take care of these pesky hairs at the root. Our state-of-the-art Laser Hair Removal system, called LightSheer® DESIRE™ by Lumenis, offers an effective, fast, and comfortable way to achieve permanent hair reduction.

How Does Laser Hair Removal Work? 

Laser Hair Removal uses a laser focused beam of light which targets pigmentation in hair follicles. Pigment in the hair follicles absorbs the light, thus destroying the hair. Over time, this process shrinks the hair follicles and eventually results in the loss of hair growth from that area.

Our LightSheer® DESIRE™ laser uses proprietary High-Speed Integrated Vacuum Assisted and ChillTip technologies to produce optimal permanent hair reduction results with least amount of discomfort. The High-Speed Integrated Vacuum Assisted Technology uses a unique vacuum mechanism that activates the skin’s tactile and pressure receptors to inhibit the transmission of pain, and the ChillTip Technology improves patient comfort by cooling the skin prior to treatment and continuously cooling it throughout the treatment. These unique mechanisms for pain reduction and epidermal protection provide successful, quick, and comfortable treatment.  In addition, this highly customized, smart technology allows our medical staff and nurses to customize the best laser treatment for each patient. Our laser offers many settings for each skin type, hair color, hair texture, and laser strength to achieve the best results for every person.

How Many Procedures will I need?

Typically, most clients see long-lasting hair reduction results with three to seven treatments. However, based on your skin type, hair follicle color, and hair texture, results may vary. This will be discussed with you during your initial consultation, to ensure you are a good candidate for Laser Hair Removal treatments.

Are There Any Side Effects of Laser Hair Removal? 

Everyone’s skin responds differently to treatment. Some clients don’t experience any side effects or may have mild redness after the procedure, which goes away within a day or two. All other less frequent side effects will be explained in detail during your consultation and signing the Informed Consent form. Be sure to bring up any concerns you may have prior to treatment.

Who Shouldn’t Receive Laser Hair Removal? 

If you are currently pregnant or trying to get pregnant, you should not have laser hair removal treatments performed. Be sure to discuss if you burn easily in the sun, as well as your medications, vitamins, and supplements you are taking with our physician, during your pre-treatment consultation, to evaluate if you are a good candidate for the procedure. If you have any other concerns, during or after treatment, please contact our staff immediately.