4 Things Everyone Should Know About Fillers Before Scheduling an Appointment

Interested in scheduling an appointment for fillers? Fillers are amazing for enhancing facial contours and smoothing out lines.  Here are four things everyone should know about fillers before scheduling an appointment.

What They Do

Dermal fillers restore a youthful glow to the skin with injection beneath the skin. They rejuvenate the skin and erase fine lines, while restoring fullness to deep creases. In addition to getting rid of wrinkles and lines, fillers can also prevent them from happening in the future. Signs of aging can be easily diminished with the use of fillers.

What Dermatologists Recommend

It’s recommended that fillers should not be overdone, in order to achieve natural-looking results. That’s why at Bethesda Aesthetic Center, we take great pride in using our experienced team to put your beauty and safety first. Be sure to discuss all medications, vitamins, and supplements that you are taking during your consultation with our physician. With fillers, tired and wrinkled skin can look rejuvenated.

How Long They Last

Depending on the areas treated, you’ll be able to notice amazing results immediately after fillers. The results of fillers last 6 to 12 months or longer before the body naturally absorbs the particles from the procedure. To maintain your look, you’ll have to go in for a touchup but it’s worth it to be able to feel your best and have your skin looking great.

Who Shouldn’t Receive Fillers

If you are currently pregnant or breastfeeding, you should not have the procedure performed. You should also not have the procedure if you have a known allergy to any ingredient in the dermal filler injection and you should hold off on receiving fillers if you currently have a sinus infection.

Fillers at Bethesda Aesthetic Center

Bethesda Aesthetic Center is an experienced team of a board-certified physician, certified aesthetic registered nurses and caring staff who are dedicated to offering you fillers designed to give you a youthful glow. Our cutting-edge services are offered in our state-of-the-art offices using the latest technologies, products and equipment. To schedule your appointment or learn more, please call us at (301) 897-8550 or visit our website.

How Microneedling Gets Great Results

What is Microneedling?

Microneedling, designed to naturally and effectively reverse signs of aging, is one of the safest and most popular procedures out there. It is used to generate new collagen and skin tissue for smoother skin while also being able to treat scars, wrinkles, and pores. Microneedling is a great way to make sure that your skin stays healthy while looking its best.

How It Works

Microneedling involves a special microneedling pen that is used to create micro-channels in the skin. A numbing cream can be applied so that you don’t feel any discomfort during this process. The skin responds by making new collagen-rich tissues that help you look younger, since the skin normally loses collagen with age. The process also ensures that your skin will be firmer and more even in tone.

Amazing Results

This process is great for improving skin vitality and elasticity as well as evening out skin texture and reducing pore size. Microneedling makes your skin more radiant while also improving the health of your skin. It also treats acne scars, brown spots, stretch marks, as well as fine lines and wrinkles to give you a youthful glow. We offer microneedling with and without hyaluronic acid, which gives plumpness and fullness to your skin. We also offer microneedling with PRP (platelet rich plasma), in which the platelet rich part of the blood is applied or injected to the skin after microneedling. This procedure rejuvenates your skin and can result in smoother skin.

Experience Microneedling at Bethesda Aesthetic Center

Bethesda Aesthetic Center is an experienced team of a board-certified physician, certified aesthetic registered nurses and caring staff who are all dedicated to offering you microneedling services designed to give you a youthful glow. Our cutting-edge services are offered in our state-of-the-art offices using the latest technologies, products and equipment. To schedule your appointment or learn more, please call us at (301) 897-8550 or visit our website.

Busting the 4 Biggest Myths About Botox

While Botox seems to grow in popularity every year, there are still many lingering myths about Botox that stop people who could benefit from a procedure from getting it. Whether you’re concerned about Botox being painful or worried that it will leave your face motionless, we are dedicated to busting the biggest myths about Botox.

The 4 Biggest Myths About Botox

  1. Botox Is Just for Women: Botox is not just for cosmetic uses, and it’s also not just for women. It can be used in a variety of medical ways for people of any gender. Did you know that Botox can be used by people coping with hyperhidrosis or excess perspiration? It can also be used to treat migraines, help with bladder spasms or ease eye spasms. Approximately 10% of cosmetic Botox users are men, and there is nothing wrong with that!
  2. Botox and Fillers Are the Same: This is one of the most common myths about Botox, and it’s not true. While both Botox and fillers can be injected into your face, they do very different things. Botox is designed to relax wrinkles to reduce their appearance. Fillers are created to replace lost volume or add additional volume. For many people, Botox works beautifully from the eyes up, and fillers work very well for any aesthetic changes from the eyes down.
  3. Botox Will Freeze Your Face: Raise your hand if you’ve heard that Botox will “freeze” your face or prevent you from moving at all. If you’re like most people, both of your hands are in the air! If you use an excessive amount of Botox, it can make it harder for your face to emote to the same degree. However, if you are using it responsibly with the help of skilled aestheticians like those at Bethesda Aesthetic Center, this should not occur. When performed by a skilled aesthetician, Botox should never negatively impact your facial expressions.
  4. Botox Can Give You Botulism: This is another myth about Botox. In reality, Botox is not botulism. While Botox is made from the bacteria that can cause botulism, it is not botulism and should not harm you. When used for cosmetic purposes, Botox will not infect you or give you botulism.

Receive Your Botox Treatment at Bethesda Aesthetic Center

Bethesda Aesthetic Center is an experienced team of a board-certified physicians, certified aesthetic registered nurses and caring staff who are all dedicated to offering you high-quality Botox and filler services designed to enhance your natural beauty. Our cutting-edge services are offered in our state-of-the-art offices using the latest technologies, products and equipment. To schedule your appointment or learn more, please call us at (301) 897-8550 or visit our website here.

The Differences Between Zerona and CoolSculpting

Zerona and CoolSculpting are two very popular procedures designed to make your body ready for the summer, a party or every day! While the two are sometimes confused, they are both very different in terms of their results and the method that they use to get them. What are the key differences that every person needs to know about Zerona and CoolSculpting?

Are You a Good Candidate?

First, you know think about whether or not you are a good candidate for Zerona and CoolSculpting. Both are non-surgical and non-invasive body contouring procedures, and you can talk to your doctor about your concerns. Before you schedule your appointment, consider your answers to the following:

  • Are you looking for a quick and easy solution? Body contouring will not take the place of a healthy, active lifestyle. Instead, it will help remove stubborn fat that lingers after diet and exercise.
  • Are your expectations realistic? There is no magical solution to completely and permanently remove all of your stubborn fat, so don’t schedule a procedure expecting an instant fix!
  • Are you pregnant? If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, it is not recommended that you get a body sculpting treatment.


CoolSculpting is an FDA-approved treatment that destroys fat cells permanently by freezing them until they are eliminated from the body. Because the fat cells are killed, there is no diet or exercise required to see great results. For the best possible outcome, it’s recommended that all CoolSculpting patients use their results as a way to jumpstart or maintain their healthy lifestyle. CoolSculpting results compound over time, so you can expect to see the full results after a two month period. Most clients only need approximately two sessions to see results.


Zerona works by using a cold laser to disrupt the way that fat cells work. The contents of the cells will leak out into the body, which shrinks the space that the cell takes up. Zerona gives patients the best result when it is combined with a diet and exercise routine. It’s non-invasive, totally pain-free and offers great body contouring results. You will need to have multiple treatments over the course of two weeks for optimal results, so make sure you schedule your Zerona treatment for a time you will not be on vacation or have an inflexible schedule.

Experience Zerona and CoolSculpting at Bethesda Aesthetic Center

Bethesda Aesthetic Center is an experienced team of a board-certified physician, certified aesthetic registered nurses and caring staff who are all dedicated to offering you Zerona nad CoolSculpting services designed to enhance your natural beauty. Our cutting-edge services are offered in our state-of-the-art offices using the latest technologies, products and equipment. To schedule your appointment or learn more, please call us at (301) 897-8550 or visit our website here.

The Basics of the OxyGeneo Super Facial

One of the most popular treatments that we offer at Bethesda Aesthetic Center is the OxyGeneo Super Facial. This high-powered treatment provides amazing results! Whether you want a smoother complexion for relaxing on the beach this summer or younger-looking skin before your high school reunion, in this blog, you will learn all about the basics of the OxyGeneo Super Facial.

What Is the OxyGeneo Super Facial?

The OxyGeneo Super Facial combines three separate facial treatments into a single procedure for the best results possible. This facial treatment includes gentle exfoliation, deep facial rejuvenation and natural oxygenation to nourish skin and leave it feeling soft and touchable. The amazing results of the Super Facial include:

  • Restoring volume
  • Leaving the skin glowing
  • Plumping
  • Adding deep hydration
  • Reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines
  • Renewing a dull or washed-out complexion
  • Firming the skin
  • Encouraging the growth of new skin cells
  • Reducing pore size
  • Improving the appearance of hyperpigmentation or discoloration

The Process

  1. Exfoliation: A specially formulated tablet will exfoliate the top layer of your facial skin and remove any dead skill cells. Exfoliation ensures that your skin will be ready to soak in all of the nutrition throughout the remaining steps.
  2. Infusion: The skin will be cleansed and prepared for the active ingredients in the facial, NeoBright to brighten the skin and improve the texture and NeoRevive to reduce the signs of aging and rejuvenate the skin. This infusion is done by state-of-the-art ultrasound technology that penetrates the skin and delivers nutrients deep into the skin and stimulates the development of collagen.
  3. Oxygenation: The OxyGeneo facial will create small bubbles that burst on the surface of the skin to encourage blood flow to the area. By increasing blood flow and improving the skin’s metabolism, you can ensure that all of the NeoBright and NeoRevive nutrients are soaked into the skin.

What Else Should You Know?

One of the biggest advantages of this proprietary process is the ultrasound-guided delivery of antiaging ingredients and antioxidants to a deeper level of skin. Many facials use creams or a mask that doesn’t penetrate the epidermis, but OxyGeneo delivers nutrients to the dermal level to increase collagen production and elastin, restore skin tightness and a youthful appearance and provide state of the art results.

Have you had more intense exfoliation procedures in the past? You don’t need to worry about any side effects with the OxyGeneo Super Facial!  The exfoliation is very comfortable, so the entire procedure feels similar to a facial massage. Some clients even fall asleep! Because the exfoliation is so gentle, the OxyGeneo can be used on patients with acne. You can schedule an OxyGeneo Super Facial weekly for the first 4-6 weeks and once a month as maintenance.

Experience the OxyGeneo Super Facial at Bethesda Aesthetic Center

Bethesda Aesthetic Center is an experienced team of a board-certified physician, certified aesthetic registered nurses and caring staff who are all dedicated to offering you customized services designed to enhance your natural beauty. Our cutting-edge services are offered in our state-of-the-art offices using the latest technologies, products and equipment. To schedule your appointment or learn more, please call us at (301) 897-8550 or visit our website here.