
Microneedling with and without Hyaluronic Acid

Over time, everyone’s skin starts to sag and wrinkles form, making them look older. Oftentimes, it starts in their late 30’s or early 40’s and affects the forehead, jowls, eyes and cheeks. Facial creams and lotions are usually topical solutions and provide a temporary fix, at best. For a natural and effective treatment to reverse signs of aging, you have to penetrate the skin. One of the safest and most popular procedures, that produces amazing results, is called microneedling. Treatments with a microneedling pen gently stimulate the skin with very fine needles that encourage natural collagen and elastin production. As your skin heals and new collage forms, your skin will look plumper and more youthful. Microneedling is very effective for improving:

  • Skin vitality and elasticity
  • Acne scars
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Skin texture and pore size
  • Brown spots
  • Stretch marks

How Does Microneedling with and without Hyaluronic Acid Work? 

A topical numbing cream may be applied, to ensure you don’t feel any discomfort during the process. Then, a microneedling pen is used to create micro-channels in the skin.  When those channels are created the skins own repair response is to start producing collagen and elastin, this is to heal that controlled injury that was just created. That in turn makes your skin tighter and smoother.

Microneedling creates micro-wounds which allow topical products, such as hyaluronic acid, to penetrate deeper into the skin than they would if only applied topically. Hyaluronic acid naturally occurs in your skin, and is a sugar that binds to and absorbs water, thus giving fullness and plumpness to your skin. As water is absorbed by the acid, volume is created, acting in the same manner as how a sponge soaks up water and becomes full to even out every little crevice. Microneedling with hyaluronic acid can restore the fullness and youthfulness in your face.

How Often should the Procedure Performed? 

A series of 3-6 microneedling treatments is usually recommended, depending on what your skin concern is. Treatments should be spaced 4-6 weeks apart, as overstimulation may cause the opposite effect and can break down collagen instead of building it up.

Are There Any Side Effects of Microneedling with and without Hyaluronic Acid? 

Depending on how deep the microneedles penetrate your skin, you may have some redness that can last 24+ hours. Most patients aren’t bothered by the redness and it’s best to let the skin heal naturally. However, if necessary, there are certain brands of makeup that can be safely applied to conceal any redness, during the healing process.

Who Shouldn’t Receive Microneedling with and without Hyaluronic Acid? 

Generally, microneedling is safe for everyone. However, be sure to discuss your medications, vitamins, supplements, and skin care concerns with our physician, during your pre-treatment consultation, to evaluate if you are a good candidate for the procedure. If you have any other concerns, during or after treatment, please contact our staff immediately.


we will start offering Microneedling with PRP (platelet rich plasma) in January 2019.

PRP refers to a procedure where a patient’s blood is drawn and the platelet rich portion is either injected to the treated area after mironeedling or applied to the skin after microneedling. The growth factors present in the blood cells stimulate collagen and regeneration in the skin. Unlike the microneedling procedure with hyaluronic acid, the benefit of the PRP procedure is the ability to use your body’s own cells to stimulate new tissues and healthy skin production.

Just like with regular microneedling, PRP produces excellent results for firmer, smoother, and more radiant skin. It is also effective for use in the scalp, to stimulate hair follicles and trigger natural hair growth.

Please ask our physician for more details and to evaluate if you are a good candidate for the treatment.